The United Church of Christ Financial Ministries help to protect & grow churches.
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The United Church of Christ Church Building & Loan Fund
The UCC Church Building & Loan Fund (CB&LF) assists new and renewing United Church of Christ congregations and other Christian congregations regardless of sect or denominational affiliation, that are planning to buy a first church building or land site, or who want to construct, renovate or develop a church building, school, parsonage or other church-owned real property that advances the mission of the Church.
CB&LF works exclusively with churches and church organizations that own or are seeking to own real property with the intention that through worship, service or other community enhancing, people-edifying and God-glorifying activity or use, the property will be dedicated to the advancement of the mission of Jesus Christ, explicitly and implicitly described in the New Testament as the Gospel.
God is still building, and we’re here to help.
The United Church of Christ Cornerstone Fund
INVEST from the heart. BUILD FOR the future.
Since 1993, the United Church of Christ Cornerstone Fund has supported more than 625 local UCC congregations and other affiliated ministries and organizations with low-cost loans—totaling more than $200 million in support for church building purchases and construction; building renovations to improve accessibility or to reduce energy usage; enhanced community impact through affordable housing and/or multi-use proper development, among others.
In order to support its mission, the Cornerstone Fund offers competitive investment products for both individuals and organizations, including flexible demand note accounts, term notes, IRAs, and ESAs, as applicable.
United Church Funds
Investing with a Mission: Performance Beyond the Numbers
Established in 1909, United Church Funds (UCF) offers sustainably responsible investment funds designed to help faith-based organizations grow and preserve their financial legacies. We are the leading provider of investment management and planned giving services to UCC churches and ministries as well as faith-based organizations beyond the UCC.
Our family of funds enables churches and ministries to customize their investment portfolio according to their risk tolerance, time horizon and return objectives.
Sustainable and Responsible Investing. All of our funds are invested responsibly, which enables us to focus our efforts on maximizing impact, including a commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and climate justice.
Professional Management. As a knowledgeable and experienced partner, UCF provides a strategic array of funds and services designed to help you achieve your financial objectives.
Strategic Asset Allocation. Each fund is managed to deliver a competitive performance and long-term value to achieve the fund’s objective.
Dedicated Infrastructure. UCF combines financial experts, industry veterans and a wealth of valuable resources to help mission-driven, faith-based clients invest successfully.
Continuous Oversight. All funds are actively monitored and undergo continuous evaluation, enabling us to react quickly as markets or investing needs change.
Serving as a trusted investment partner for churches and faith-based organizations for over 100 years, UCF has an in-depth understanding of your unique financial needs and goals – as well as the guiding principles and missions that inspire you.
The Insurance Board
The Insurance Board administers a property and liability insurance program serving churches and related entities within six denominations: United Church of Christ, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Presbyterian Church (USA), Alliance of Baptists, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Reformed Church in America.
We write property and liability coverage in all 50 states utilizing an independent distribution system that is conducive to our mission: to support and protect churches and church ministries by offering superior property and casualty risk and insurance management services. More than 4,500 churches participate in the program, insuring more than $16 billion dollars in property value.